AUAP American
                Universities Admission Program

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Selection Program ($350)

Finds the university that best suits you!
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Upon comprehensive review of the client information provided on our questionnaire, AUAP will select the four American Universities or institutions that best match the student's unique academic profile, study goals, financial situation and lifestyle.

Within 30 days of receipt of inscription, the student will be sent a list of the four institutions selected, their catalogs, overall view of each one, admission forms, and application checklist.
(This is a individualized report including all data, our recommended test scores, etc.)

When subscribing to AUAP's Selection Program, a student receives AUAP’s recommended best selections based on his or her unique data, and avoids lengthy and costly research on his own.
AUAP provides precise, accurate and timely information at a cost much lower than if an individual gathered and sorted the same quantity of information, especially from outside the United States.
If the student so chooses, he or she may complete the application process alone. However, AUAP proposes the Section + Guaranteed Admission Program  $2,500 that guarantees admission success and avoid the tedious and frustrating process of compiling complex application files exclusively in the English language.

  • Questionnaire to be filled out by the student
  • Selection of five American universities in accordance with the student's profile
  • Reasons for the choice
  • Statistics report including test averages, and general information for each university
  • The Selection Program is included in the  Selection +Guaranteed Admission Program 

Price: $350 for 4 universities
Please fill the questionnaire

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AUAP American Universities Admission Program
4619 Higel Ave., Suite 1 - Sarasota FL 34242 -USA
Tel: (1) 304 250 7005 - Fax (1) 941 349 43 70 - e-mail

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